This podcast originally aired on Smart Franchisee on 6/22/19.
Ken Caldwell Shares How Your Pie Creates an Opportunity for Business Owners to Get In On a Slice of the Pie.
Listen in as Smart Franchisee podcast host Jessica talks with Ken Caldwell, VP of Franchising at Your Pie.
Ken shares what Your Pie is looking for in a franchisee, how the supply chain team works to ensure franchisees all over the country are able to get high quality food cost effectively, and what systems and support Your Pie offers to new and existing franchisees (and no you don’t need any restaurant experience).
Currently Your Pie has 66 units open in 19 states, with another 78 more units in development and a goal of 120 successful locations opened by the end of 2021.
Collectively the corporate office has 130 years of managing franchise brands as is solely focused on the success of their franchisees.